Randy A Lochhead | Randy Lochhead REALTOR | Terrell - TX
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Please leave your review if you have any real estate deals, buy, rent or sell your property with Randy A Lochhead | Randy Lochhead REALTOR | Terrell - TX . Submit & share your experience and opinions about this Texas real estate company & agent, about their services, prices, available properties & any other important information. Your review will become a very useful information for other clients. All reviews will be verified by moderators at Agent-TX.Org.
He will steal your money!!!!
We live in Kansas. My hubby is getting out of the military so we had to find a place back home. He asked us to fill out his application, and said he would email this to me several different times. See as this was very important because we have three kids and no were to go after the hubby gets out, I checked my email several times every time he said he was emailing it. I never received it so I had one faxed that we had filled out for a house we were going to rent the previous week ( someone bought that house). The I had the hubby's nanny go look at the house and give him the $80 app fee. Prior to this we told him we were not able to pay the deposit until our taxes came in because of the amount we had to give him. After our nanny looked at the house she gave him the money. The next day I get a call from him stating I needed to sign his cover sheet and he needed a copy of our dl and ss cards ( in the state of Texas it is against the law to ask for a copy of someone's ss card) ( it is against the law to ask for a military service members ss card) I hung up with him and talked to the hubby. We got back in touch with him the next day and my husband asked him why he needed a copy of our cards see as how he had the numbers. He replied he can not run the apps till he has copies of both of our dl and ssc. My husband told him he is not getting a copy of our ssc so when could his nanny meet with him to give us our money back. He then told my hubby that we could not have our money back because he ran our app!!! Not only is this man trying to break the law, but he is also taking money!!! Submit review See all 1 reviews