User Reviews

Marsha F Barron | Marsha Barron Real Estate Inc | The Colony - TX

Reviews (1)
Please leave your review if you have any real estate deals, buy, rent or sell your property with Marsha F Barron | Marsha Barron Real Estate Inc | The Colony - TX . Submit & share your experience and opinions about this Texas real estate company & agent, about their services, prices, available properties & any other important information. Your review will become a very useful information for other clients. All reviews will be verified by moderators at Agent-TX.Org.

This "Realtor" is very unfriendly and leases low quality, old, overpriced homes in The Colony but requires a flawless credit history. Really?? She is extremely rude about even the most minor of flaws on your credit and acts as though you are scum. This woman actually had me in tears. I wouldn't recommend her to anyone ever. Period.

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