Jalal Dadras | InterNet Realty | El Paso - TX
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Reviews (1)
Please leave your review if you have any real estate deals, buy, rent or sell your property with Jalal Dadras | InterNet Realty | El Paso - TX . Submit & share your experience and opinions about this Texas real estate company & agent, about their services, prices, available properties & any other important information. Your review will become a very useful information for other clients. All reviews will be verified by moderators at Agent-TX.Org.
Cynthia Mena
Warning don’t do any business with them. Do Not Rent Do Not Purchase anything this company touches. You will be glad you didn’t I wish I could just post pictures of the living conditions Mr Jalal Dadras(owner) wants people to live in. There is no such thing as maintenance or upkeep in these properties they dont pass city code. The property was left to rot mold under sinks leaks everywhere trash everywhere no smoke detectors no carbon monoxide detectors you have to purchase everything yourself. Not safe for children or pets exposed nails molding not attached fire escape not installed no working faucets shower heads leaking and no pest control done roach droppingns dead maggots in kitchen cabinets. This to name a few. To top it off when we wanted our money back from deposits and month in advance before moving in to this dump after finding all these problems he refuses and said property is As Is. Going to have to go to court fight for our money. Slumlord at its finest. Submit review See all 1 reviews